Pictures sent from some of our customers
Thank you for those who submitted their pictures. If you have purchased from us, and want to be included on our page, please email me.
Photo Submitted by: Donna Gorsalitz.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Angels On The Go – Home Care for the Elderly
Phone: (306) 934-1099
Photo Submitted by Delores Daniels,
Manager Human Resources, MFNERC.
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Center
Winnipeg, Manitoba.

The Blanket, Glass Award, and Certificate were given to Delores Daniels for ten years of service award. There were 6 recipients of this 10-year award. PHOTO: Gwen Merrick, Associate Executive Director (right) and Delores Daniels (center) and, Lorne C. Keeper, Executive Director (left)
Delores Daniels wearing a pair of Black Beaded Earrings made by Cree Star Gifts (left) , and Cree Star Gifts Blanket (right)
Photo Submitted by E.J. Fontaine – President/CEO
Anishinabek Consultants Inc.
183 River Avenue. Winnipeg, Manitoba. R3L 0B1
(204) 336-0554
Website: www.anishinabekconsultants.com
Photo Submitted by: Chief Nelson Genaille, with his Wife Shelly Genaille.
Sapotaweyak Cree Nation, Manitoba.
Photo Submitted by : Janene Wilson, Plan4ward Consulting, Edmonton Alberta. www.Plan4ward.ca

Photo of Chief Billy Joe Laboucan preparing to present a basket to Elder Mike Laboucan of the Lubicon Lake Band in Northern Alberta.
Janene Wilson
Saskatoon Tribal Council – Health & Family Services Inc.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Photo: Dawne Fulford (left) -Focus on Families Coordinator and Eileen Thomas (right) – Director of CFS Operations & Intergovernmental Affairs
Photo Submitted by: Roseann MacFadgen, Financial Officer
Cross Lake, Manitoba.
Photo Submitted by: Debra Moar, Disability Counselor
Eagle Urban Transition Centre, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs.
2nd Floor, 275 Portage Avenue. Winnipeg, Manitoba. R3B 2B3
www.eagleutc.com (204) 954-3050

Photo: Left to Right, Eagle Urban Transition Centre – 2014
Marty Boulanger (Community Counselor), Debra Moar (Disability Counselor), Valarie Olson (Patient Advocacy Unit – Navigator), Kaya Wheeler (Youth Housing Counselor), Chris Prince (Mental Health/Addictions Counselor), Rosalie Ouskan (Patient Advocacy Unit-Navigator), Carrie Anderson (Intake & Resource Coordinator), Chrystal Hotonomi (Student/Intern) holding Star Bags purchased from Cree Star Gifts.
No Photo Submitted.
Logo Submitted by: Diane McDonald, Health Director
WRTC Health Department. Dauphin, Manitoba.
Photo Submitted by: Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Center Inc.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Photos Submitted by Terry Good.
Tek-Mac Enterprises Inc.
Wellesley, Ontario. Phone: 519-504-3701
Fax: 226-660-0085
Photo Submitted by : Raymond Shingoose
Yorkton, Saskatchewan.
Photo Submitted by: Gwen Traverse, Executive Health Director
Pinaymootang First Nation Health
Phone: (204) 659-5786 or (204) 770-9080
Fax: (204) 659-5841
Photo Submitted by: Karen Main, Executive Director.
Leading Thunderbird Lodge
Box 400. Fort Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan. S0G 1S0
(306) 332-5659

Photo: Leading Thunderbird Lodge 2014
From Left to Right: Karen Main (Executive Director), Kelly Pasloski (Educational Assistant), and Deborah McLean (Clinical Supervisor). They are holding a Small Birch Bark Basket, and Seminar Bags purchased from Cree Star Gifts.
Photo Submitted by: Heather Gunville, Executive Assistant.
Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority, inc.
P.O. Box 787
Prince Albert, Sk. S6V 5S4
(306) 765-2410

Deanna Brown (Program Administrative Assistant with the Public Health Unit of NITHA), holding a Star Bag purchased from Cree Star Gifts
Photo Submitted by : Clifton Flett, Youth Support Worker
Mountain View School Division. Dauphin, Manitoba.
“Birch Bark Biting – Aboriginal Day, June 20/14”
(Birch Bark provided by Cree Star Gifts for the event )
Photo submitted by Wendall Starr – Elders Helper
File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council www.fhqtc.com
Fort Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan. (306) 332-8200

Photo: (left to right) Breanne Massey (Fort Times Reporter), Devereaux Roy, Wendall Starr (Elders Helper), Dylan Roy, John Belanger (Manager & Owner of Cree Star Gifts ). File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council purchased Teepee Poles from Cree Star Gifts – these are the poles lying on the ground.
Photo Submitted by: Kyle Daniels & Elizabeth Keeper (Support Facilitators)
Opikihiwawin – New Directions for Children, Youth, Adults, & Family.
836 Ellice Avenue. Winnipeg, Manitoba. R3G 0C2

Photo: Kyle Daniels, (Support Facilitator), and Kayla (Summer Student- Administration). They are holding a Queen Star Blanket purchased from Cree Star Gifts.
Photo Submitted by: Charlene Linklater
Redvers, Saskatchewan.

Photo: (Left to Right) Michala Linklater, Charlene Linklater, and Jessica Hamilton wearing Hoop earrings purchased from Cree Star Gifts – Redvers, Saskatchewan.
Photo Submitted by : Verna Shannacappo
Rolling River First Nation

Verna Shannacappo, with other members from Rolling River First Nation putting up Teepee’s, with Teepee Poles purchased from Cree Star Gifts. (July 2014)
Photo Submitted by Roland Kaye, Elders Helper – National Treaties 1-11 Gathering – August 11-14, 2014. Treaty 4 Grounds in Fort Qu-Appelle, Saskatchewan.
First Nations University in Regina
#1 – First Nations Way. Regina, Saskatchewan. S4S 7K2

Photo: (left to right) John Belanger(Cree Star Gifts), Roland Kaye (Elders Helper – First Nations University in Regina), and Rick Favel (Traditional Knowledge Keeper). Roland purchased Teepee Poles from Cree Star Gifts – they are lying on the Ground.
Photo Submitted by: Sherri Kaiswatum (Gathering Organizer), Treaty # Four Holding Corporation. National Treaties 1-11 Gathering in Fort Qu’Appelle, Sk.
Box 155, 740 Sioux Avenue.
Fort Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan. S0G 1S0

Photo; (left to right) Sherri Kaiswatum (Treaty # Four Holding Corporation) and Corinne Belanger (Cree Star Gifts)
Photo Submitted by : Matthew Garrick (Educator) & his wife Hilda Garrick
Cross Lake First Nation, Manitoba.

Matthew Sr. (Educator) with his wife, Hilda Garrick. They are holding Birch Bark Baskets purchased from Cree Star Gifts – Cross Lake First Nation.
Photo Submitted by: Marion Badger – NNDAP Coordinator
Cote First Nation, Saskatchewan – Health Department
Photo Submitted by: Charlotte Nepinak, Councellor (FALL CAMP)
Skownan First Nation, Manitoba.
General Delivery. Skownan, Manitoba. R0L 1Yo

They purchased Teepee Poles from Cree Star Gifts, and they are also holding Seminar Bags purchased from Cree Star Gifts. Photo: From left to right, Charlotte Nepinak (councellor),
Photo Submitted by : Sharon Key – Health Director
Key First Nation.
P.O. Box 70. Norquay, Saskatchewan. S0A 2V0 (306) 594-2291.
Photo Submitted by: Sharon Stevens, Administrative Assistant
Cree Nation Child and Family Caring Agency.
Swan River, Manitoba.

Photo: (left to right) Nora Stevens (CFS Worker), and Sharon Stevens, (Administrative Assistant) at Cree Nation Child and Family Caring Agency in Swan River, Manitoba.
Photo Submitted by: Margaret Church, Coordinator for Head Start Program at the Swan River Friendship Center
1413 Main Street St.E. Swan River, Manitoba. R0lL 1Z0 (204) 734-9301.

Photo: (left to right) Margaret Church (Coordinator for Headstart Progam), with Staff and Kids. Purchased blanket from Cree Star Gifts for Fundraising initiatives.
Photo Submitted by: Jayna Issac, Executive Assistant (Chief & Council’s Office), and Joy Starr, Education Director.
Ochapowace First Nation

Holding Pendleton Blanket purchased from Cree Star Gifts. Photo: Left to Right: GUEST, Senator Wesley Bear, Chief Margaret Bear, Councillor Shelly A. Bear, Councillor Shaya Watson, Councillor Les George, Councillor Petra Belanger & Guest. Missing Councillors: Tim Bear, John Still.

Holding Pendleton Blankets purchased from Cree Star Gifts. Photo Left to Right: Guest, Senator Wesley Bear, Chief Margaret Bear, Councillor Shelly A. Bear, Councillor Shaya Watson, Councillor Les George, Councillor Petra Belanger & Guest. Missing: Councillors: Tim Bear & John Still.

Holding Pendleton Blankets purchased from Cree Star Gifts. Photo-Left to Right: Guest, Senator Wesley, Chief Margaret Bear, Councillor Shelley A. Bear, Councillor Shaya Watson, Councillor Les George, Councillor Petra Belanger, & Guest. Missing: Councillors, Tim Bear, John Still
Photo Submitted by: Debbie & Micheal Hernandez . Married on November 1, 2014. The traditional wedding ceremony was conducted by an Elder, and the Star Blanket purchased from Cree Star Gifts was used to wrap around them as part of the Ceremony.
California, USA.

Micheal & Debbie Hernandez getting married traditionally with an Elder. They have a Star Blanket wrapped around them purchased from Cree Star Gifts.
Photo Submitted by Selena Genaille from Sapotaweyak Cree Nation who purchased a Baby Star Blanket from Cree Star Gifts for her Grandchild. – Dec. 2014.
Photo Submitted by : Jeanette Bercier
Swan River & Benito Manitoba.
Photo Submitted by; Bonnie Stevens
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan – Dec. 2014.
Photo Submitted by : Wendy Linklater and Paul Cardinal
Edmonton Alberta – Dec. 2014.
Photos Submitted by: Jean Martell, Family Support Worker
Waterhen Lake First Nation, Saskatchewan.
Photos below: Members of health staff & Elders holding Star Bags purchased from Cree Star Gifts at Christmas Event- Dec. 2014.
Photo Submitted by: Louise Dawn Lavallee.
Winnipeg, Manitoba. January 2015.
Photo Submitted from Patty Jo Erven
Picture of Students from Grand Rapids High School in Grand Rapids, Minnesota.

High School students holding Beaded Keychains purchased from Cree Star Gifts. They were a graduation gift .
Photo Submitted by: Alice George
Chemawamin Cree Nation, Manitoba.
Alice George standing beside the custom camouflage blanket we created for her.
Photo Submitted by : Timi Vann
Seattle, Washington. USA
Photo Submitted by: Katherine Nazzie, Training & Employment Coordinator
Keewatin Tribal council – Thompson Manitoba.
Photo Below: Annette Ells (burgundy blanket), and Bertha Law (blue blanket)

Star Blankets purchased from Cree Star Gifts for retirement Gifts for Annette Ells (Burgundy Blanket) and Bertha Law (Blue Blanket).
Photo Submitted by Bev Ready.
Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation.
Photo Submitted by : Helga Hamilton, Health Director
Cross Lake Health Authority.
Cross Lake First Nation, Manitoba.
Purchased Star Bags for summer events – August 2015.
Photo Submitted by: Shirley Bighead, Health Director
Sturgeon Lake Health Department.
Sturgeon Lake First Nation, Saskatchewan.
Purchased Star Seminar Bags for Summer events – June 2015.
PHOTO of: John, with Sgt. Jamie Gabriel, and Cst. Chris Gabriel – Aboriginal Policing Unit – “F” Division
RCMP Academy, Regina Saskatchewan.
Photo Submitted by; Carrie Thomas, Finance Officer
Barren Lands First Nation, Manitoba.
Health Department

Photo: Left to Right – Jaimee (Medical Transport Coordinator), Therese (NNDAP), Darlene (Home Care Coordinator), Trina (CHR), Robert (Caretaker), Flaurette (Medical Driver), and Carrie Thomas (Finance)
PHOTO SUBMITTED: Nadine Bencharski – Project Coordinator
Peter Ballantyne Child & Family Services, Inc
Sapotaweyak Cree Nation
Photo Submitted by: Mandi Lunan, Office Manager
Media Style Ottawa, Ontario.
Photo Submitted by; Jeannie Pewapisconias
Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Photo Submitted by Alice George
Easterville, Manitoba.
Photo Submitted By: Curtis Stevens
Swan River, Manitoba.
Photo Submitted by : Darrell Phillips, Principal Consultant, Little Black Bear & Associates
Thompson, Manitoba.
Photo Below: Keewatin Tribal Council hosted Youth Suicide Prevention Workshop and the participants are holding Conference Bags purchased from Cree Star Gifts.

Keewatin Tribal Council hosted a Youth Suicide Prevention Conference – Participants holding bags purchased from Cree Star Gifts.
Photo Submitted by : John Lagimodiere – Publisher Eagle Feather News
Quote: “We love these bags for gifts to clients and for prizes in our Aboriginal awareness seminars.” John Lgimodiere
Photo of Timothy Bone – Youth Coordinator, and Gail Cullen – Executive Director.
Brandon Friendship Center
Photo Submitted by: Roxann Smith
Poplar, Montana. USA.
Photo of: Jessica and Wallace Chartrand
The Pas, Manitoba.
Photo of: Mayor Val Deschambeault with Council Members Georgia Deschambeault and Tammy Dorion (left to right) holding a star blanket purchased from Cree Star Gifts
Cumberland House, Saskatchewan.
Photos Below this one: The blankets purchased by Val were given to RCMP Members for recognition for their work in the north (photos below)
Photo Submitted by: Alice Captain – Supervisor
Awasis Agency – Gods Lake Narrows, Manitoba.
They are holding a Star blanket purchased from Cree Star Gifts
People in Photo: (Right to Left) – Myra Okemow ( family enhancement – red sweater), Alice Captain (Supervisor), Max Bee (Receptionist), Murray Captain (Foster care), Crystal White (intake/stats worker), Tina Hill (CFS), Tanya Okemow (CFS)
Picture of Calvin Issac, Cultural Coordinator for Ochapawace Health Authority with John Belanger
Ochapawace First Nation, Saskatchewan.
The teepee in the background wasn’t made by us, but we dropped off a 24-foot Cree Style Teepee/poles we made for Ochapawace annual Powwow ordered for their event.
Photo of: Jenna Hart and her Mother.
Norway House Cree Nation, Manitoba.
Picture of Jenna Hart and her mother. Her mother is holding the Star Bag purchased from Cree Star Gifts.

Jenna Hart with her mother. Her mother is holding a Star Bag purchased from Cree Star Gifts for her birthday.
Photo Submitted by: Jerleen Sullivan She is the Executive Director of Ikwe Widdjiitiwin, the Women Domestic Violence Crisis Center in Norway House.
Three Photos Below:
The First Photo is of Jerleen Sullivan, holding bags purchased from Cree Star Gifts
The Second Photo is of Trudy Lavalee, Social Worker.
The Third Photo is of Alanis Obomsawin, a filmmaker at the National Filmboard
Photo Submitted by: Ruby Garson
Split Lake First Nation, Manitoba.
Ruby Garson, holding Star Bags purchased from Cree Star Gifts
Photo Submitted By: Gail Cullen, Executive Director (right) and Debbie Huntinghawk (Left)
Brandon Friendship Centre 836 Lorne Avenue Brandon, Manitoba R7A 0T8 Phone: 204-727-1407 Fax: 204-726-0902 www.brandonfriendshipcentre.com

Gail Cullen- Executive Director of Brandon Friendship Center holding Birch Bark Baskets purchased from Cree Star Gifts.
Photo Submitted by: Michelle Williams
Norway House Manitoba.
Photo Submitted by: Angie Angus – Teacher
Ebb & Flow First Nation, Manitoba
Photos Below: Submitted by Elma Mercredi, Director of Business Services for TWCC.
TWCC- Tribal Wi-Chi-Way-Win Capital Corporation.
First Photo – Elma purchased the star blanket from us for Allison & Mike Reinis wedding. The star blanket we created for this event was a great backdrop for pictures and it was a wedding gift for them. The colors of the blanket were chosen because they are the Bride’s traditional colors. Congrats to the newlyweds!!
Second Photo- Alan Park- CEO, and Jody Schweid – HR Manager for TWCC holding the star blanket made by cree star gifts.
Photo Submitted by: Florinda Christianson – Culture Heritage & Tourism Manager.
Biitigong First Nation – Lands Resources and Goverance
Heron Bay, Ontario
Photo Submitted by: Darlene Garson
Split Lake, Manitoba.
Photos Sumbitted By: Linda Catcheway – near Waywayseecappo First Nation, MB.
Some pictures of Clan Catchaway and our delivery of their 14 foot Dakota Style Teepee. Thanks Linda Catcheway, you and your grandchildren are Awesome! We had a great time. We enjoyed putting up this Teepee that they purchased from us. The kids were so helpful and willing to learn.
Photo Submitted By: Janet Longclaws
Long Plains First Nation, Manitoba.
Dakota Tipi with grandmother Moon on the rise. Taken September 17, 2016. Jan Longclaws purchased this Dakota Style 16-foot Teepee/poles from us, and just set it up in her backyard, and sent us this photo. Thank you Janet! It looks beautiful!

Janet Longclaws from Long Plains First Nation, Manitoba purchased this 16-Foot Dakota Style Teepee from us.
Photo Submitted By: Treaty Commission of Manitoba
Photo 1: Amanda Simard (left) -TEI Education Manager and Renee McGurry (right) – TEI Facilitator
Photo 2: Connie Wyatt Anderson, Treaty Education Initiative Facilitator
Amanda, Renee, and Connie are holding Star Bags made by us for presenting at Swan River’s Divisional Treaty Education Teacher Training In-service – September 26/27, 2016.

Amanda Simard (left) -TEI Education Manager and Renee McGurry (right) – TEI Facilitator from Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba are holding Star Bags made by us. They were presenters for our Divisional Professional Development Day today to teach us how to teach kids about the treaties. It was excellent.
Photo Submitted By: Jason Gobeil, Aboriginal Community Coordinator for the City of Brandon
Picture- from left to right-John Belanger, Brandon Police Chief Ian Grant, BFC Cultural Worker Tim Bone, Aboriginal Community Coordinator for the City of Brandon Jason Gobeil, BFC Cultural worker Frank Tacan Sr. and Brandon Police Staff Sgt. Marc Alain
John just delivered a 16 foot Dakota Style Teepee, and Star Blankets for The City of Brandon Aboriginal Community Coordinator Jason Gobeil. They put it up last night in front of the Brandon Police Station.
Jason Gobeil, Aboriginal Community Coordinator for The City of Brandon and Roberta Mackinnon presented the Brandon Police Chief, Ian Grant with a Star Blanket made by us.
Here are some more pictures of our products given away as gifts. Ian Grant, the Brandon Chief of Police is holding the Black Star Blanket because it is going to be hung on the wall in the Police Station

Here are some more pictures of our products given away as gifts. Ian Grant, the Brandon Chief of Police is holding the Black Star Blanket because it is going to be hung on the wall in the Police Station
Here is the Star Blanket we made displayed in the Brandon Police Station.
Photo Submitted by: Agnes Flanagan
Edmonton, Alberta.
Agnes Flanagan from Edmonton Alberta with a beaded lanyard she purchased from us.
Photo Submitted By: Taisja Chernenkoff
Regina, Saskatchewan.
Photo Submitted by: Elaine Munro, Health Director
Moose Lake First Nation, Manitoba.
Moose Lake Health Office Staff holding Star Seminar Bags (8 Diamonds) made by us
Photo Submitted by: Elizabeth Stewart
Cumberland House First Nation, Saskatchewan.
Elizabeth Stewart
Photo Submitted By: Haley Robinson
From: Cross Lake, Manitoba.
Photos Submitted By: Ross E Stevens
The PAS, Manitoba.
NAMES OF Ross’s KIDS in First Photo (Left to Right):
Silas, Kolby, Daejah, Victoria, and the baby is O’Malley!2016
Photo Submitted By: Erin Galliot
Whitecourt, Alberta.
Photo Submitted By: S/Sgt. Shayne Smith, Detachment Commander
Swan River RCMP Detachment
Swan River, Manitoba.

Custom Blanket created as a Wall Hanging with his traditional colors along with a Thunderbird Motif – 2017.
Photo Submitted by: Kevin Settee
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Kevin ordered this blanket as an Anniversary Gift for his Wife, Tracy Allan-Young. As you can see from the photos below , she loved her gift!

Kevin Settee and Tracy Allan-Young with a Star Blanket purchased from Cree Star Gifts created as an Anniversary Gift from Kevin for his Wife, Tracy.
Photos Submitted By: Timi Vann
Seattle Washington, USA.
Timi purchased two star blankets from us for gifts. One was intended for her mother’s 70th birthday and the second blanket was created for her Pastor’s retirement gift. As you can see in the photos below – they loved their gift.

Timi Vann’s Mother with her star blanket. Timi purchased the blanket from us for her 70th birthday gift.
Photo Submitted by: Delores Jackson
Lower Nicola, B.C.
Photo Submitted by: Andrea Guiboche
Swan River, Manitoba.
She is holding a Star Blanket made by Cree Star Gifts presented to her at her baby shower to celebrate the birth of her son – Julius.
Photo Submitted By: Maria Sparvier
Kahkewistahaw School, Saskatchewan.
Here is a picture of Maria Sparvier, from Kahkewistahaw School, who requested we make this Queen Star Blanket with her school’s logo colors for her Intern -Andrew Eagle. It was a gift given to him for completing his Internship. Thanks Maria for sending this picture

Maria Sparvier, ordered this Queen Star Blanket from us to give to her Intern – Andrew Eagle. He has the blanket draped around him . We make it with Kahhewistahaw School colors.
Photo taken of John with Tim Bone, Youth Coordinator
Brandon Friendship Center.
We delivered 3- 16 Foot Teepees with poles – May 2017.
Photo Submitted by : Mary Anderson
Brandon, Manitoba.
Here are cute pics. of the baby star blankets we made for Mary Anderson and the little people they were made for.
Photo Submitted by: Melinda Kay Kirt
Grand Rapids High School , MN. USA
Students are posing here from Grand Rapids High School MN, USA with keychains ordered from us as GIFTS for completing their year! – 2017.
Photo Submitted By: Clifton Flett, Youth Support Worker for Mountain View School Division – Dauphin, MB – May 2017. (Photo: LEFT to RIGHT – Wade Houle, Frank Klyne, Patti Goodine, Clifton & Candace Flett, Norm Casavant (Principal) with his son and John Belanger)
We just delivered and put up 24-foot teepee made by us with Dauphin Regional High School for Clifton Flett and his wife and the principal and staff. Their powwow is tomorrow. We hope they have a great event. It was fun
photo of: Corinne with Rina Wajuntah (teacher), and Standing Buffalo Staff/Students at Standing Buffalo School, in Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation in Fort QuAppelle, Sk. We created a 8-foot Dakota Style teepee to display in their school play, a reenactment of historical facts about their community. – May 2017.

Photo: (Upper Right to Left) Corinne, Rita, and standing buffalo Teachers/staff.
(Bottom Row) Students from Standing Buffalo.
Picture Submitted by: Rhonda Howse
Winnipeg, MB.
This is a baby blanket we created for Rhonda Ross Howse. She wanted the baby blanket made for her new grandbaby – PEYTON!! Congradulations
Photo Submitted by: Roxanne Stevens
Sapotaweyak Cree Nation, MB.
This is the baby blanket I made for my niece Stevens Thunder Roxanne and her little bundle of Joy. This is her first baby and we are so proud of her, and I know she will be a wonderful mom!
Photo Submitted by: George Beaulieu at Issac Beaulieu Memorial School in Sandy Bay First Nation, MB.
We delivered FIVE 24 foot Cree Style Teepees, Liners and Poles to Isaac Beaulieu Memorial School in Sandy Bay First Nation, Manitoba. John put one up with the Staff, Volunteers, Students and Elders.

Photo: (left to right) Ernest Roulette (volunteer) standing beside John in front of a 24- foot Cree Style teepee
Photo Submitted by: Pat Eyolfson
Arborg Heritage Village, Mb.
They purchased 2 16-foot Cree Style Teepees and poles from us.
Photo of: Karen Kosolowsky – Teacher from 1987-2017.
Ecole Swan River South School in Swan River, MB.
She is standing in front of the custom star blanket made by Cree Star Gifts for her retirement gift.

Karen Kosolowsky Teacher from 1987-2017. She is standing in front of the star blanket Cree Star Gifts made for a Retirement Gift to honor her hard work, dedication and commitment to kids.
Photo of: Lucie Lachapelle – Teacher/Principal from 1987-2017.
Ecole Swan River South School in Swan River, MB.
She is standing in front of the custom star blanket made by Cree Star Gifts for her retirement gift.

Lucie Lachapelle was both a Teacher and Principal during her years from 1987-2017. She is standing in front of a Star Blanket made by Cree Star Gifts as a Retirement Gift to honor her commitment and dedication to children.
Photo Submitted by: Dawn Olivence, Manager of Affiliate Relations for APTN
Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, (APTN). Winnipeg, MB. 339 Portage Avenue.
Here is a picture of one of our Star Blankets being presented to Greg.M from MTS, who is an affiliate client to APTN, (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network). The Hand Drummer standing beside him is Jesse. C.

Here is a picture of one of our Star Blankets being presented to Greg.M from MTS, who is an affiliate client to APTN ,(Aboriginal Peoples Television Network). The Hand Drummer standing beside him is Jesse. C. This picture was submitted by Dawn Olivence, the Manager of Affiliate Relations for APTN in Winnipeg. – JUNE 2017.
Photo of: Darryl McRae
Saskatoon, Sk.
Picture of Darryl McRae and son picking up his teepee poles purchased from us.

Photo: (left to right) Darryl McRae, his son and John standing in front of the teepee poles he purchased from us. – June 2017.
Photo Of: Dennis Pashe, Health Director for Dakota Tipi First Nation
photo: (left to right) John and Dennis standing in front of the teepee poles/teepee he purchased from us for his up-coming community events.

Photo: (left to right) John standing beside Dennis Pashe, Health Director for Dakota Tipi First Nation, standing in front of the teepee poles/teepee he purchased from us.-June 2017
Photo Submitted by: Maria Henderson, Health Director
Fox Lake Cree Nation, MB.
Maria with a star blanket made by Cree Star Gifts.
Photo of : Toni Hayes – Owner for Running Bear Camp and Native Medicine – https://www.facebook.com/RunningBesrCamp
Minitonas, MB.
We had the privilege of putting up this 18-foot Cree Style teepee with Running Bear Toni Hayes and James Garrow. She purchased the teepee from us for her place in Minitonas, Mb., called Running Bear Camp and Native Medicine site –https://www.facebook.com/RunningBesrCamp. Beautiful place, and had an enjoyable day.
Photo Submitted by: Janet Lucas, Administrative Assistant
Shipping & Receiving – UCN College
Thompson, Mb.
The blanket was ordered for her co-worker at UCN College who recently had a baby girl. In the photo (left to right) Janet, is standing beside the proud Dad Devin and another co-worker, Janice. Congratulations!!

photo: (left to right) Janet Lucas with proud Dad, Devin and other co-worker Janice holding baby star blanket purchased from Cree Star Gifts.
Photo Submitted By: Susan Cowan – Teacher, ESRSS School
Swan River, Manitoba.
photo: (right to left) Susan Cowan here with her friends who are holding Star Bags made by Cree Star Gifts at Edmonton Farmers Market – August 2017.

Photo: (right to left) Susan Cowan with her life-long friends with Star Bags made by Cree Star Gifts at Edmonton Farmers Market – August 2017.
Photo Of: Anita Munn and Darrell Manuliak – Mini Homes of Manitoba.
Custom Designers and Builders – www.mbminihomes.com
We had the privilege of dropping off teepee poles to Anita Munn and Darrell Manuliak from www.mbminihomes.com or Mini Homes of Manitoba. They are custom designers and builders of these mini homes and they are currently creating and building affordable homes for Long Plain First Nation. Check them out!!! We want to buy a mini house from them soon. Remember we make custom teepees/poles. Www.creestargifts.com

Photo: (left to right) Anita Munn, Darrell Manuliak and John Belanger standing in front of the teepee poles we delivered to Long Plain First Nation, MB – one of the Mini Homes they build is behind them.
Photo of: Eva Wilson-Fontaine and EJ Fontaine
Anish Corporation, 110-200 Alpine Way Headingley MB Tel: 204-334-9395
We had the privilege on Sunday of putting up a 22- foot Dakota Style teepee with Ej Fontaine and Eva Wilson-Fontaine from Anish Corporation on their property near Anola Manitoba – Cedar Lake Ranch. It was a lot of fun and we just got it completed before it started raining.
Cedar Lake Ranch cultural area, was created by Anish Corporation for families in transition for reuniting back together, to reestablish bonds and be together on the land and learn some basic life skills as a family at Cedar Lake Ranch. Better than any hotel room!! If you have any questions about this Ranch contact Eva or EJ. -Sept 2017.

Eva Wilson-Fontaine and EJ Fontaine standing in front of a 22-foot Dakota Style teepee we made for them.
Photo of: John Mcleod, Carpentry Teacher with Jackie Connell, Principal for RB Russell School
Winnipeg, MB.
We dropped off a 16 foot Dakota style teepee and poles yesterday at RB Russell School in Winnipeg. We had the privilege to meet the Principal, Jackie and John Mcleod , the Carpentery Teacher. They are putting up the teepee in the school’s courtyard. They gave us a tour of their beautiful school too. We were so impressed with this school. – Sept 2017.

Photo: (left to right) John standing beside John Mcleod, Carpentry Teacher and Jackie Connell, Principal of RB Russell School in Winnipeg. They are standing beside the teepee and poles we delivered to their school.
Photo Submitted By: Barbara Wilson
Norway House First Nation, Manitoba
Barbara is holding a queen star blanket she purchased from Cree Star Gifts.

Picture of Barbara Wilson from Norway House First Nation holding a queen star blanket she purchased from Cree Star Gifts.
Photo Submitted By: Katrina Froese, Education Coordinator
Fortwhyte Alive
1961 McCreary Road
Winnipeg, MB R3P 2K9
Picture of Fortwhyte Alive Staff and volunteers in front of the teepee they purchased from Cree Star Gifts.
Photo Submitted By; Janet Lucas
Thompson, Manitoba.
The UCN Staff with Janet Lucas purchased this Blue Custom Star Blanket from us for Georgina Reid in Thompson, Manitoba as a gift. Thank you for choosing us and we loved making it for her!! Remember we make CUSTOM star blankets – all sizes. www.creestargifts.com

Georgina Reid with the blue star blanket we made for purchased by Janet Lucas and UCN staff in Thompson, Mb.
Photo Submitted By: Ray Wright
Fisher Branch, MB.
Ray Wright purchased this beautiful brown double star blanket for his wife Debbie Wright from us. Thank you once again for choosing us and for the beautiful picture.

Picture of Debbie Wright with the brown double star blanket her husband, Ray Wright purchased for her.
Photo Submitted By: Sharidy Desnomie, Health Director for Star Blanket First Nation, Sk.
Peepeekisis First Nation, Sk.
The mild weather this weekend enabled us the privilege to deliver teepees/poles to Sharidy Desnomie (first photo), the Health Director for Star Blanket First Nation with her husband, Toby, in Peepeekisis First Nation, Sk. John was thankful for the Sweetgrass he was given by the Desnomie family.

Photo: (left to right) John beside Toby and Sharidy Desnomie, health Director for Star Blanket First Nation. We delivered her poles to her home in Peepeekisis First Nation, Sk.
Photo Submitted By: Kelsey Starblanket, First Nations/Metis Laision Worker for Prairie Valley School Division
Regina, Saskatchewan.
The mild weather this weekend enabled us the privilege to deliver teepees/poles to Bert Fox Community School in Fort Qu-Appelle, Sk., for Kelsey Starblanket, the First Nations/Metis Liaison for Prairie Valley School Division in Fort Qu-Appelle, Sk.

Photo: (left or right) John beside Kelsey Starblanket, First Nations/Metis Liaison Worker for Prairie Valley School Division, Regina Sk. We dropped off teepee/poles at Bert Fox Community School in Fort Qu-Appelle, Sk.
Photo Submitted by: Cheyanne Keam
Norway House, MB.
Cheyanne purchased the King Size Star Blanket as a birthday gift for her mother, Eva Keam.
Photo Submitted By: Shannon DeFritas
Oakville, ON.
We created this custom turquoise baby blanket for Shannon’s brand new addition to her family – a beautiful little boy! Congrats!
Photos Submitted By: Doreen Spence, Chief from Tataskweyak Cree Nation, MB.
Tataskweyak Cree Nation, MB.
Doreen Spence sitting beside her beautiful daugher, Kalleign with Star Blankets she purchased from us.

Doreen Spence with Kalleign, her daughter sitting in front of the star blankets she purchased from us.
Photo Submitted By: Ernie Ettawakapow
Norway House, MB.
Ernie is holding up a double star blanket purchased for his daughter for Christmas in the first photo, and his daughter Laney is holding up her blanket on Christmas morning in the second photo. Thanks for these beautiful pics. and Happy New Year to this family! – Dec. 2017.

Ernie Ettawakapow with a Double Star Blanket he purchased from us for a Christmas gift for his daughter.
Photo Submitted By: Maggie Hyslop – Dettanikkeaze, NADAP Worker
Northlands First Nation Denesuline, MB.
She is holding a star blanket purchased from us to honor an Elder from her community.

Maggie Hyslop-Dettanikkeaze, NADAP worker from Lac Brochet, MB. holding a Star Blanket she purchased from us to honor an Elder from her community.
Photo Submitted by: Debbie Moses
Fort Mackay, Alberta.
Thankfully this blanket arrived in time for Christmas!! Debbie, who is wearing the checkered shirt, is standing beside Shirley Mecredi. This blanket is their gift to Shirley’s daughter who is also Debbie’s daughter-in-law: Lori-Lei! MERRY CHRISTMAS, and I think she loves the gift you both purchased for her!- Dec. 2017.

Shirley Mecredi (left) standing with Debbie Moses (checkered shirt) holding up a star blanket they purchased from us.

Lori-Lei is in this photo with the blanket that Debbie & her mother Shirley purchased for her for Christmas.
Photo Submitted By: Miranda Mckay
Cross Lake, MB.
MERRY CHRISTMAS Miranda!! Your mother looks she loves the Star Blanket you purchased from us. Thank you once again for choosing and we wish you and your family the best in the New Year!!
Photo Submitted by: Amy Thompson
Dauphin, MB.
Amy Thompson from Dauphin Mb. purchased these 3 Star Blankets from us for her kids and we added Wolf Paw Motifs to every blanket. MERRY CHRISTMAS Amy and thanks for choosing us!
Photo Submitted by: Cassandra Bilodeau
Beausejour, MB.
MERRY CHRISTMAS Cassandra Bilodeau and family!!! Cassandra purchased this king size star blanket for her husband, Bradford Bilodeau who is the Director of the Indigenous Adoptees Movement. We are so thankful he loved the blanket we made for him. Thanks for choosing us.

Bradford Bilodeau and son are holding up the King size star blanket purchased for him by his wife, Cassandra.
Photo Submitted By: Barbara Wilson
Norway House, MB.
MERRY CHRISTMAS Barb Wilson and family. Your nephew is adorable and the baby blanket we made for him will easily transition to a toddler bed. Thanks for choosing us!
Photo Submitted By: Amanda Smith
Selkirk, MB.
MERRY CHRISTMAS Amanda Lynn Smith and so glad you love the star bag! It looks good on you! Thanks for choosing us.
Photo Submitted By: Roland White
Pawitik, ON.
Here is a pic. of Roland White peeking behind the star blanket he purchased from us this Christmas. Thanks Roland and glad your blanket made it to Ontario on time!!!
Photo Submitted By; Janice Cloud
Dauphin, MB.
Here are pics from Jan Cloud who purchased a Star Blanket and Star Bag from us for Christmas for her daughter-in-law, Jennifer and her grandson Sebestian. Thanks for the beautiful pics. Jan and Happy New Year!!

Here are pics from Jan Cloud who purchased from us for Christmas for her daughter-in-law, Jennifer and her grandson Sebestian. Thanks for the beautiful pics. Jan and Happy New Year!!
Photo Submitted By; Tanya Guimond
Fort Alexander, MB.
Here is another Christmas picture sent to us from Tanya Guimond….she purchased this queen turquoise star blanket from us for her son. The first picture here shows him opening his Christmas gift, and than the blanket lying on his bed. Thanks Tanya, and Happy New Year to you and your family!
Photo Submitted By: Michelle Petiquan
Winnipeg, Mb.
This photo was sent to us by Michelle Petiquan from Winnipeg, MB. She is holding a Star Blanket she purchased from us in December. Thanks for the beautiful pic. Michelle. Happy New Year to you and your family!!
Photos Submitted By: Rhonda Deutsch, Coordinator for the Head Start Program
Star Blanket First Nation, Saskatchewan.
Below are photos of the individuals who received our Birch Bark Baskets at Cowenska’s Head Start Learning Center Grand Opening Jan.30/18 in Star blanket First Nation, Sk
Photo Submitted by Leah Phillips
Brandon, MB.
Leah is holding a Birch Bark Basket she purchased from us. Thanks Leah for the great pic.!
Photo Submitted By: Laura Beardy
Thompson, MB.
Photo Submitted by: Pauline Munroe
Norway House, MB.

Pauline Munroe’s grandson, Blaise Thomas Ray who is 2 wks old today on his baby star blanket we made him – Feb.17/18
Photo Submitted By; Echo Elizabeth Moose.
Thompson, MB.
Thanks Echo Elizabeth Moose for the picture. Echo purchased the blanket from us for her oldest step-daughter Ocean (on the left) as a Christmas Gift. Thanks for choosing us Echo!

Thanks Echo Elizabeth Moose for the picture. Echo purchased the blanket from us for her oldest step-daughter Ocean (on the left) as a Christmas Gift. Thanks for choosing us Echo!
Photo Submitted By: Michelle Eisner
Swan River, MB.
Thanks for the pic. Michelle!
Photo Submitted By: Sheila S Bird
Pine Falls, Mb.
Here is a photo of Darlene Bird-Daniels holding a Star Bag we made for her. Thanks for the photo Darlene!
Photo Submitted By: Tonya Owl Bear
Southern California, USA.
Here are pics. of Tonya Owl Bear with our Birch Bark Baskets in Southern California. She has Cree relatives on her Dad’s side and really wanted to identify with these roots by purchasing baskets made by her people. Thanks Tonya!
Swan Valley School Division
Heyes School
We had the privilege today of putting up a 8 foot teepee with my youngest daughter’s class – Sarah. We talked about pre-contact Indigenous dwellings and the significance of the Teepee in the Plains area. After the discussion we put up a teepee, and then each student was able to design and paint their own teepee. It was fun! Our little daughter was so helpful and we are just so proud of her!!
Photo Submitted By: Justine Rich
Natuashish Labrador, NFLD.
This is our first order in this area! WOW! Thanks Justine for the pic.
Photo Submitted By: Nicole Baliski, Secretary/Library Assistant
Christopher Lake Public School, Saskatchewan.
Here are some pics from Christopher Lake Public School. They purchased an 8-foot Teepee from us to set up in their school library. They had an Elder teach the kids about it and set it up with them!
Photo Submitted By: Pete Brass, Art Collection Manager and Roland Kaye, Elders Helper.
First Nations University of Canada
#1 First Nations Way. Regina, Sk. S4S 7K2
Here are pics of us with Roland Kaye, (Elders Helper) and Pete Brass, (Art Collection Manager) at First Nations University of Canada in Regina on Sunday. They purchased several teepees from us for upcoming events and they will remain up all year round.

Photo: (left to right) Corinne, Roland Kaye (Elders Helper), John and Pete Brass (Art Collection Manager) at First Nations University of Canada in Regina, Sk.
Photo Submitted By: Lorna Munro, Aboriginal Academic Achievement
Swan Valley School Division
Here is a picture of us and all the Swan River School Division staff/students that participated in the grade 6 Outdoor Indigenous Education Day at the Swan Valley Museum. John made a 20 ft – Ojibway style teepee for this event (on left). We also had privilege of teaching kids how to put up a teepee and take down a teepee safely using a 6-ft size teepee. There was also other events and sessions the kids took it. Really grateful to be a part of day! www.creestargifts.com

Photo: (left to right) Lorna Munro (Aboriginal Academic Achievement), Jacquie Mydynski – Arp (SVRSS Principal), Swan Valley School Division Staff member, Tim Mendel (Superintendent) and John Belanger standing in front of teepee

Swan Valley School Division Out door Indigenous Education Day at Swan Valley Museum organized for grade 6s.
Photo Submitted: Corinne Belanger – Art Teacher
Swan Valley School Division
Wellman Lake United Church Camp – June 2018.
We had the privilege of teaching the grade 8’s how to safely set-up a Cree style teepee during their camping trip and teach them a little history about the teepee to include Indigenous Education into the weekend. We loved having the opportunity to do this, and we thank the Swan Valley School Division and staff for giving us the time with these amazing youth.

Corinne & John Belanger, Mrs Argue (Math Teacher), Mme. Chmelowski (7-8 French Immersion Teacher), Mr.Andres (Physical Ed. Teacher), Mrs. Bartley (English Teacher), Mr. McDonald (Guidance Counsellor) and Grade 8’s June 2018.
Photo Submitted: Brent Hamel, Waskesiu Recreation Committee
Waskesiu National Park, Sk.
We had the privilege of putting up teepee poles with Brent Hamel required by Waskesiu Recreation area committee in the Waskesiu Provincial Park, SK. It’s absolutely beautiful here. We stayed in Baker’s Bungalow and enjoying the beach. – June 2018.
Photo Submitted By: Gerald Lepine
Arlington Beach, Sk.
We enjoyed meeting Gerald Lepine, a Metis man who lives in Arlington Beach, Sk. He had interesting stories and antiques and artifacts and the kids loved meeting his grand kids. We are sure we will see him again.
Photo Submitted By: Angela Snowshoe, Founder/Manager
Red Pony Stands Ojibwe Horse Sanctuary
PO Box 3, RR#2 Site 3, Craven, SK S0G 0W0
Piapot First Nation, Sk.
We set up a 20 ft Cree Style teepee with an amazing Indigenous company called www.theredponystands.com . – Angela Snowshoe & Cullan McGinnis. They are an Ojibwa Horse Sanctuary and they purchased a teepee from us required for upcoming events. Check these guys out!!

John & Corinne Belanger beside Cullan McGinnis (Board Member/Tresurer), and Angela Snowshoe (Founder, Manager)
Photo Submitted By: Shannon Berard-Gardiner
Saskatchewan Beach, Sk.
The last stop we made during out Canada Day weekend was at Shannon & Chris Gardiner’s house. We had the privilege of meeting Matty, and we set-up a teepee for him and we really enjoyed their hospitality. We felt really welcomed and loved the beautiful surroundings where they live. We wish this family the absolute best!!!
Photo Submitted By: Calvin Issac, Cultural Worker
Ochapowace Health Office
Ochapowace First Nation, Sk.
Photo Submitted By: Geneva Smoke, Prevention Worker for Dakota Ojibway CFS
Dakota Tipi First Nation, MB.
Today we delivered a 20 ft. Dakota Style teepee and poles to Dakota Tipi First Nation for Geneva Smoke, Prevention Worker for Dakota Ojibway CFS. We were able to see all the new development in this community and all the new infrastructures were impressive. Enjoyed the visit and hospitality.
Photo Submitted By: James Buhler
Manitoba Stampede Professional Rodeo – July 19 to the 22nd.
Morris, MB.
We just delivered and set up 16 ft Cree & Dakota Style teepees for the Manitoba Stampede Professional Rodeo in Morris Manitoba today – scheduled for July 19 to the 22nd. We enjoyed setting them up with James Buhler and his family and rodeo staff. They are required for the Gathering of Nations part of the Rodeo where several tipis and organized Indigenous events are taking place. ARTISANS are invited to set up tables & sell their creations. Find more info. at www.manitobastampede.ca .

Photo: (left to right) John Belanger, James Buhler, Corinne Belanger, James’s daughter & her friend Dillon, and Jonathan Atkinson.
Photo Submitted By: Chief Ira McArthur
Pheasant Rump Nakota Nation, Sk.
We had so much fun today putting up 2 Peyote Style teepees with John’s cousin Chief Ira McArthur from Pheasant Rump Nakota Nation . John made this style of teepee custom for Ira but we are comfortable creating this style again for anyone interested. Special thanks to Ira’s nephews – Milton and Trent and Crew for helping. Check us out at www.creestargifs.com

Photo: (left to right) Trent Obey, Ira McArthur (Chief for Pheasant Rump Nakota Nation), John Belanger, Milton McArthur and Band member
Photo Submitted By: Blair Rattlesnake, Health Director
Tootinaowaziibeeng First Nation, MB.
We delivered teepee poles to Blair Rattlesnake today at Tootinaowaziibeeng First Nation for his upcoming Camp. He will be putting up several teepees at his event. We enjoyed visiting his community and seeing the grounds for his upcoming Camp. Remember we make Cree, Dakota and Ojibway style teepees-all sizes. www.creestargifts.com
Photo Submitted By; Shawn Hafenbrak
Winnipegosis, MB.
Here is a picture of Shawn & Jennifer Hafenbrak, from Winnipegosis, MB holding up the queen size star blanket I made for them. Shawn ordered it for his wife as a birthday gift, requesting that the blanket have San Jose Sharks Colors. She loved it! Thanks for the pic.!
Photo Submitted By: Scott Cameron
Ashern, Manitoba.
Scott purchased this 18 Ft- Ojibway Style Teepee from us as a gift to his wife, presented to her on their wedding day! Congrats to this beautiful couple! – Sept. 2018.
Photo Submitted By Karlie McMillan
Education Department, University of Calgary.
Thank you Karlie McMillan , from the University of Calgary, Education Department for this picture. They purchased this CUSTOM baby star blanket from us to gift another staff member.

Karlie McMillan, Education Department, University of Calgary holding a Baby Star Blanket we made for her
Photo Submitted By: Ruth Mayham
Split Lake First Nation, MB.
Thanks Ruth Mayham, from Split Lake First Nation, MB., for this beautiful pic.!
Photo Submitted By: Lyle McArthur
Regina, Sk.
Here is a picture of John’s uncle Lyle from Regina, Sk. Thanks Lyle John Mcarthur and Marion for this picture and ordering from us. Love the support from the family!
Photo Submitted By: Sheree Lynn Redhead
Winnipeg, MB.
Here are pics. shared with us from Sheree Lynn who ordered this Red Thunderbird blanket from us to honor her late father-in-law. They decided to take a picture of the star blanket we made for them and use it as the CD cover to honor her late father-in law, Roy Redhead’s CD- ‘Towards the Light’. WOW! We feel amazed and we had no idea that the blanket we made would have this impact!
Photo Submitted BY: Sarah Olson, Project Assistant
Indigenous Engagement
Migizii Agamik – Bald Eagle Lodge 114 Sidney Smith Street
Fort Garry Campus Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N
Here are some beautiful pics of the blanket recipients for the Indigenous Awards of Excellence at the U of M. They loved the blankets we made them and they made a point of saying, ” I want to sincerely thank you again for sharing your wonderful talent and hard work with us. It was immediately evident that you put in the utmost care and craft.”
REMEMBER we make CUSTOM star blankets – all sizes. We ship everywhere. www.creestargifts.com
Photo Submitted By: Lorraine Rich
Thanks Lorraine Rich for this beautiful pic.!! We made this blanket for her daughter, and yes, we can replicate it for anyone interested. Remember we make CUSTOM star blankets – all sizes. www.creestargifts.com
Photo Submitted By: Ruth Mayham
Split Lake First Nation, MB.
Thanks Ruth PitSiding Mayham for this beautiful picture. She purchased this star blanket from us for her son Cassidy, because he graduated in Thompson from the University College of the North. Congratulations!!! We wish him the best now and in all his future endeavors!
Photo Submitted By: Fran Argue
Swan River, Ecole Swan River South School
Here is a beautiful picture of me with my co-workers from Ecole Swan River South School. I made a star blanket for Fran Argue this year because she isn’t coming back to the school next year…and she isn’t the only one!!! I will miss everyone too! She said the color of the blanket reminded here of the color of her lakefront that she moved too recently. I am just so glad that she loved it and it was wonderful to honour her!!
Photo Submitted By: Delores Daniels, Director of Human Resources
Winnipeg, MB. – Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Center
Thank you Del Daniels (Director of Human Resources) for these beautiful pics. Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Center in Winnipeg, MB. purchased these star blankets from us to give to the beautiful ladies in the pic., who are receiving Service Awards for 20 years of loyal and dedicated service to the center.
Photo Submitted By : Sarah McCallum
Gillam, Manitoba.
Here is a picture of Sean & Sarah McCallum from Gillam, Manitoba. They purchased this Turtle Star Blanket from us for their upcoming Wedding in July. Congratulations!!! Thank you sharing this picture with us and choosing us to make you such a beautiful blanket! I incorporated the wedding colors, which are burgundy, grey and white with the green diamonds required to make the turtle. I love the color combination and pretty impressed with this blanket, and I am thankful all the colors look good together.
Photo Submitted By: Christine Hapel
Winnipeg, MB.
Thanks Christine Hapel from Winnipeg, MB. for these pics. She is posing with a Star Bag I custom designed for her. The Star Bags make perfect tote bags, conference bags or gifts for every event.
Photo Submitted By: Sharon Lynxleg
Tootinawaziibeeng First Nation, MB.
Thank you Sharon Lynxleg for these beautiful pics. Sharon purchased a star blanket from us for her sister’s birthday in Tootinawaziibeeng First Nation, Manitoba. We wish her many more!!
Photo Submitted by Sharon Lynxleg, Director of Finance
Tootinaowaziibeeng Anishinabe Health Office, MB.
Thank you Sharon Lynxleg for these beautiful pics.!!! Here is Maureen Thompson, Home Care Nurse and Blair Rattlesnake, Health Director for Tootinaowaziibeeng Anishinabe Health Office holding up the colorful embroidered star blankets we made for them. We can replicate anything on our website or you chose the colors! Order now for Christmas.
Photo Submitted By: Ceone Jorgenson
Swan River, MB.
Thank you Ceone Jorgenson, for this beautiful picture!! I loved making this King Size Star Blanket for you. I made the blanket 7.5 by 9.5 in size, so it will fit a king size bed beautifully.
Photo Submitted by: Levi Foy
Duck Bay First Nation, MB.
Thanks Levi Foy for the beautiful pic! He purchased this star blanket from us to gift a community member, Anita Stallion from Duck Bay. It was a gift from many in the community but the main donors were Club 200, QPOC Winnipeg and the Bannock Babes.
Photo Submitted By: Rose Hart, Resolution Health Support Worker
Keewatin Tribal Council
Thompson, MB.
Thank you Rose Hart for this beautiful pic.! She purchased a star blanket from us to do an honoring ceremony on Orange Shirt Day – September 30,2019. They are Honoring late “Lyna Hart’ for the documentary, “We were Children’
Photo Submitted By: Giselle Fillion
Brandon, MB.
Thank you Giselle Fillion for this adorable pic.! I made this baby star blanket for Giselle, because it was intended as a gift for her friend’s daughter – Luna! She is the blurred image of the little girl in front of the blanket..lol. The blanket will transition with her from a crib to a toddler bed and be useful to her for some time!
Photo Submitted By: Shannon De Freitas
Oakville, Ontario.
Thank you Shannon for this beautiful picture! Congratulations on the birth of your healthy baby boy!! Thanks for choosing me to make him his first star blanket. The first of many!
Photo Submitted by: Cheryl Quewezance
Keeseekoose First Nation, Sk.
Thanks Cheryl Quewezance for the picture. She is holding up a queen size blanket here I made. We also had the privilege of dropping off teepee poles/teepee today at keeseekoose First Nation,Sk.
Photo Submitted By: Sarah Chipaway
Rocky Mountain House, Alberta.
I completed this king size star blanket for Sarah Chipaway and here is the picture with her standing in front of this beautiful blanket. She is from Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. Love the lime, and shades of yellow in the star.
Photo Submitted by: Ruth Mayham
Tataskweyak Cree Nation, MB.
Thanks Ruth PitSiding Mayham from Tataskweyak Cree Nation, MB, for this beautiful picture. I made this custom star blanket for Ruth because it was intended as a Christmas gift for her husband. He is holding up his blanket here in the picture.

Ruth Mayham’s husband is holding up the custom star blanket I made for him to be gifted to him for Christmas.
Photo Submitted By: Penny Eaglestick
Brandon, MB.
Thank you Penny Eaglestick for sharing these beautiful pics! Penny purchased this custom king star blanket from us to gift her daughter and grandson for Christmas!!! (2nd photo) Here are pics of them holding it up. They both can snuggle under it comfortably.
Photo Submitted By: Ross Stevens
The Pas, MB.
Thanks Ross Stevens, from The Pas, MB, for this blanket pic. He purchased the blanket from us as a Christmas gift for his step-daughter. She is proudly displaying it here holding it over her shoulder .